The Hidden Dangers of Indoor Air Pollution: What You Need to Know

air pollution and air quality

The Hidden Dangers of Indoor Air Pollution: What You Need to Know

Indoor air pollution is something that affects many homes and businesses, and it refers to the presence of pollutants that we breathe in while indoors. Here are some of the hidden dangers you should know about.

Respiratory Problems

One of the more serious potential dangers posed by air pollution is the risk of respiratory problems.

People with asthma, allergies and respiratory illnesses can all be affected by air pollution. This is especially true for the elderly and young or those who have compromised immune systems.

Pollution can be particularly problematic for people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


Even people without respiratory illnesses can be affected by indoor air pollution. Pollutants in the air can potentially cause coughing and wheezing when they are present in higher quantities.

Exposure to Chemicals

Chemicals are often found in the air indoors, and they can contribute to indoor air pollution. These can be released in many ways, including from the building materials used in the property to household cleaning products.

Exposure to Mould

Mould spores are a form of air pollution, and they can be particularly unpleasant. Mould grows in damp conditions. When these conditions are present in your home, the spores can be breathed in, worsening allergies and leading to potentially serious health problems.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide is a form of air pollution that is particularly dangerous. Odourless and colourless, it can kill when it is present in high concentrations. It is primarily released into the air by faulty gas installations.

How to Reduce the Risks of Indoor Air Pollution

All of these are potential dangers of indoor air pollution, but the question for many is then how to reduce air pollution to avoid the risks.

There are several options, starting with ensuring good ventilation. Open the windows to keep the air moving in your home or business when this is possible.

You could also use an air purifier. These clean the air to help ensure you and other people in the building are breathing pure air.

It’s important to ensure regular gas maintenance to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

You could also use a dehumidifier to extract humidity from the air. This could help to reduce the risk posed by damp, which leads to the growth of mould and mildew.


Know the Risks of Indoor Air Pollution

These are some of the main risks associated with indoor air pollution. If you are concerned about these, take measures in your home or office to keep the air clean by using an air purifier and increasing ventilation. This can help to reduce the pollutants and ensure your interior space is safer for everyone using it.

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