Air Cleaning Hire Solution to Help Manage and Extract Unwelcome Chemical Odours
One of the United Kingdom’s leading Residential Property companies calls upon the services of CAS-Hire Birmingham to supply high performance 650e air cleaners with carbon filtration to improve air quality within one of their luxury high-end country properties in Warwickshire.
CAS-Hire Birmingham was able to provide an air cleaning hire solution to help manage and extract unwelcome chemical odours within the eight-bedroom property created by recent fumigation and carpet cleaning procedures prior to the property returning onto the market.
Specialist 650E Air Cleaner
The customer hired six (6) of our specialist 650e air cleaners and opted to purchase the optional smoke stop odour control carbon filters. This high-performance sophisticated unit choice boasts the use of two types of sensors to assist in combating the pollutants. The 650e uses ceramic and laser sensors designed to detect unwelcome odours and harmful particulate levels and reduce energy usage.
The variable Auto setting function manages to monitor and detect the various fluctuation levels of pollutants within the property and will automatically adjust the fan speed to speed up or slow down and control the extraction until the area is free from contaminants. The carbon filters used within this particular range are specially designed using between 2-4lbs of activated carbon mixed with copper oxide and fine magnesium granules to combat heavy gaseous pollutants, such as bacterial smells, smoke and other potentially dangerous volatile organic compounds (VOC’s).
The 650e Air cleaner from CAS-Hire has super silent operation noise and can produce an extremely powerful air flow whilst curtailing the production of drafts.
The 650e are commonly hired for domestic properties affected by various pollutants including vehicle fumes and pollen, bacterial and allergy pollution others include medical theatres, offices, laboratories, schools, nurseries, medical waiting rooms, restaurants, showrooms and factories to name but a few.
Make sure you have a happy healthy odour and bacteria-free home or working environment by hiring our 650e air purifiers.
Weekly hire Rates: £100.00 per week ex VAT, carriage and filter charges.
In order to ensure every one of our customers receives the optimum efficiency from this range of air cleaners whenever they hire, we at CAS-Hire advise the customers that the units hired must be supported with the compulsory purchase of either or both of our two(2) brand new filtration options. In doing this the customer has peace of mind with the quality of the cleanse knowing that they have not hired a unit with pre-used filters in a bid to stamp out any additional unwelcome bacterial transfers into their household or workplace.
Particle Filter
The sublime performance of the 650E Particle filter benefits your healthcare.
This is the ideal choice for removing the maximum particulate pollutant matter such as viruses, bacteria, dust mites, pet dander and every other variety of particles. Price £99.75 ex VAT per set
Smoke Stop Filter
The 650E Smoke Stop filter is designed with an activated carbon, this type is recommended for rooms exposed to heavy gaseous pollutants for example fire retardant fumes, household paints, cleaning products, and cigarette and cigar smoke.
The Smoke Stop filter is principally to be utilised for the extraction of gaseous pollutants and secondarily for particle removal. Price £155.00 ex VAT per set
Please contact us on freephone 0800 525082 or email [email protected] for further details.